Employee Incentivisation

Cash bonuses are expensive to fund, tax inefficient and do not provide long time incentivisation to key members of a management team in terms of loyalty to the company or developing shareholder value.


Employee Incentivisation

Cash bonuses are expensive to fund, tax inefficient and do not provide long time incentivisation to key members of a management team in terms of loyalty to the company or developing shareholder value.

Share schemes such as ‘Enterprise Management Incentive’ options or ‘non-tax advantaged’ options are often exit-driven.

The tax treatment of share schemes on sale will need to be considered in detail, including the PAYE or NICs obligations arising to the target company. Implementing a new incentive plan pre-transaction may also assist in maximising sale value.

Our team can advise on the tax treatment of any employee shares or share options on an exit or other event. In addition to tax advice, we are well placed to carry out tax valuations in certain scenarios too.

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